Volunteering is an expectation of every club member. The Super Sharks Club and swim meets simply cannot run without volunteers. There are many opportunities—please talk to a Board Member for more information or if you have a specific role in mind.

All parents are expected to volunteer. Other than the coaches, our Club is entirely run by volunteers. We especially depend on volunteers in the busier spring/summer months (competition season).
Summer swim meets don’t allow for dropping off your child and leaving – parents are required to be there to participate and be responsible for your kid even if they’re highly independent. In addition, without volunteers from every club, the meet would not happen.
At meets: be on time to your shift. Parents late to their shift hold up the meet for everyone attending. Each role is important in the smooth execution of the meet. If you cannot do your assigned shift, please trade with another parent.
Outside of swim meets, if you have a talent or special interest that you can share with the Club, please let us know! Contact one of the Board Members.
In the summer the majority of our volunteer hours occur at swim meets. If your child(ren) are attending a meet, volunteering is mandatory at that event for all parents or guardians. These roles may include:
● Preparing food for the volunteers and coaches
● Helping organize swimmers in the marshalling area
● Timers for lanes (seen in the left image)
● Setting up or taking down the pool set up
● Organizing ribbons and medals
Compared to summer, volunteer hours in fall & winter months are minimal. It includes helping at Time Trials and the Swimathon (see box at right). Helping to organize a social event or fundraiser are optional and always welcome.
Board Members and Executive are also important volunteer roles. If you are interested in participating here or would like to run for the Board, please contact a Board Member before the AGM in September.
This is an in-house event held in early spring at Templeton Pool. The time trials give swimmers an opportunity to experience what a swim meet is like, including starting on the blocks, checking in with timers, and hearing the referee’s whistle and starting gun. It also gives swimmers a time for each event.
It provides new parents an opportunity to see what it’s like to volunteer at a meet and try out various volunteer positions such as being a timer, and learn how to check in swimmers and use the stop watch. There would be an opportunity to learn about stroke and turn officiating as well during time trials.
The Swimathon is a fun fundraiser event held in the spring where parents can track their child's progress in the number of lanes they swim over the time period.
Kids request pledges from friends and family to see how many lengths they can swim in the set time. You will be surprised how far they can swim! Parent volunteers are required for this event to run.
We’re always open to fundraising ideas, and need assistance running our existing fundraisers.
Please see the Board & Executive page for more details.